LTC Annuities
Long Term Care Annuities

There are several key advantages of using an LTC Annuity to provide long term care benefits:

Funding Resource: Your clients can transfer funds from an existing annuity or
CD to an LTC Annuity.

Inflation Protection: The long term care benefit inflation is built-in an LTC
Annuity.  As the annuity grows, the maximum long term care benefit available
increases by two or three times (depending on the carrier) the increase in
annuity value.  Additionally, your client can select an inflation protection
endorsement to ensure an annual increase  in the long term care maximum daily
and lifetime benefit amounts.

Underwriting:  There are fewer underwriting questions with an LTC Annuity
when compared with individual long term care insurance policies, Life/LTC
combination policies and Life insurance with accelerated death benefit riders.

Genworth - Total Living Care Annuity
Agent Guide
Consumer Guide
U-W Pre-qualification